After you finish your orthodontic treatment here at MI Smile Team, Dr. Bruno Giglio will provide you with a set of retainers to prevent your teeth from shifting. Here is a set of instructions about retainers for you to keep your new smile just where you like it. If you have additional questions on how to care for your retainer, please give us a call at 586-254-3860.

What To Expect the First Three to Six Months
In the first three months, you will wear a retainer day and night. You may only remove your retainer to eat meals and perform your oral hygiene routine. After three months, you will only wear your retainer at night and continue wearing one to bed as long as you want to keep your smile in its correct position.

Retainers last up to two years. However, if you struggle with teeth grinding at night, your retainer can eventually stretch out sooner than anticipated. This is very common and can lead to teeth shifting even if you continue following instructions.

Every Six Months
We recommend trying on a duplicate retainer every six months to see if it is time to switch. You will know your teeth are ready for a new retainer if the duplicate set feels tighter than your current one.

If you only have one set of retainers, you may have a problem noticing if your teeth have shifted or not. If this is the case, our dentist may ask you to come back in for a new scan of your teeth to receive a new retainer and prevent more shifting.

That is why Dr. Bruno Giglio recommends you wear Vivera® retainers so that we can have a digital scan of your teeth on file in case you ever need a new set of retainers.

When You Are Ready More Retainers
Once you are ready to move on from a single set of retainers to ones that provide more security and comfort, our dentist in Sterling Heights, Michigan, can scan your teeth for Vivera retainers.

Please let us know when you reach your last set for us to create backups for you.

Cleaning Your Retainer
Please be sure to bring your retainer with you at your scheduled dental cleaning here at MI Smile Team. During your visit, we will make sure your retainer is nice and clean for you to continue wearing it at home.

We Can’t Wait To Make You smile

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